Roast Cherry, Strawberry and Brandy Compote
While this recipe is part of my Flourless Chocolate Hazelnut Chrissy Cake recipe, it can also stand alone. Bottle it and gift it to friends, serve it warm with ice cream, pop it on top of a lovely ripe brie or enjoy it in a croissant or crepe with cream.
This is another fabulous recipe to have ready to go a week or two out from Christmas to use as occasions arise.
Image Nick Thake Photo Video
Makes about 1kg of compote
Grower note
85% of our cherries are grown in a narrow belt stretching from Donnybrook to Pemberton, in the south west of the state, with smaller areas are located between the Mt Barker and Albany region and a few growers dotted through Dwellingup and Perth Hills. The short season generally runs December through to late Jan early Feb.
Image Nick Thake Photo Video
Roast Cherry, Strawberry and Brandy Compote
500g strawberries, washed and hulled
500g pitted cherries (fresh or frozen)
90ml brandy
½ cup sugar
2 cinnamon quills
3 star anise
5 x 5mm rounds of orange or blood orange
Juice of an orange or blood orange
1 tsp vanilla powder or vanilla extract
Image Nick Thake Photo Video
Preheat your oven to 200°C fan forced.
Line a tray approximately 25cm x 37cm x 3cm in size.
Spread all ingredients, or drizzle any liquids, evenly across the tray.
Pop in the oven for 15 minutes before removing to the bench to gently stir.
Return to the oven for a further 15 minutes then check.
The liquid should be simmering and slightly thicker and the strawberries starting to caramelise.
If the compote is not quite there return it to the oven and keep cooking and checking in 5 minute increments.
Once it is caramelised remove to the bench to cool completely then store.
Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a month. It won’t last that long though!
Make Ahead
Can be prepared 3 days out
Image Nick Thake Photo Video